Age verification of boarfish (capros aper) in the northeast atlantic
Hussy, K. ; Coad, J. O. ; Farrell, E. D. ; Clausen, L. A. W. ; Clarke, M. W.
Hussy, K.
Coad, J. O.
Farrell, E. D.
Clausen, L. A. W.
Clarke, M. W.
Repository DOI
Publication Date
Hussy, K. Coad, J. O.; Farrell, E. D.; Clausen, L. A. W.; Clarke, M. W. (2011). Age verification of boarfish (capros aper) in the northeast atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69 (1), 34-40
The boarfish (Capros aper) is a pelagic species of recent interest to the fishing industry, with landings increasing by >500% over the past 3 years. The objective of the study was to provide a method for age determination based on whole sagittal otoliths, with the results to be used in stock assessment. Translucent zones laid down at regular intervals are identified by marginal increment analysis as seasonally recurring. Translucent zones are formed between September/October and March/April, regardless of fish age. The occurrence of the first annulus is validated by analysis of presumed daily growth increments. Subsequent annulus deposition is homogenous between individuals and allows general guidelines to be derived for interpreting the age of boarfish using their otoliths.
Oxford University Press (OUP)
Publisher DOI
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