‘What should higher education institutions do about the planetary crisis?’
Sheehan, Sinéad ; McGeown, Calum ; Barry, John
Sheehan, Sinéad
McGeown, Calum
Barry, John
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Sheehan, Sinéad, McGeown, Calum, & Barry, John. (2024). ‘What should Higher Education Institutions do about the Planetary Crisis?’. Galway: University of Galway.
Given the planetary crisis is linked to other gender, racial, social and economic injustices, what we are facing are multiple and interlinked crises. Together, these constitute a ‘polycrisis’, a moment of urgency. What, then, can and should our Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), and those working and learning within them, do in response? This report covers the proceedings from a one-day participatory event that was hosted and supported by the University of Galway and held at the Galway Bay Hotel. The workshop was organised in response to a perceptible and growing sense of discontent with the levels of action our HEIs are taking to address the planetary emergency. Its purpose was to bring people working and learning within HEIs across the island of Ireland (researchers, students, cleaners, management, estates, procurement, HR, etc.), as well as others who have a stake or interest in the knowledge, research and other activities of higher education (local community members, farmers, activists, civil society organisations, etc.), together to begin discussing what a different plan of action – one more commensurate with the urgency of our situation – may look like.
University of Galway
Publisher DOI
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