
Mining social networks using heat diffusion processes for marketing candidates selection

Yang, Haixuan
Ma, Hao and Yang, Haixuan and Lyu, Michael R and King, Irwin (2008) Mining social networks using heat diffusion processes for marketing candidates selection Proceeding of the 17th ACM conference on Information and knowledge management
Social Network Marketing techniques employ pre-existing social networks to increase brands or products awareness through word-of-mouth promotion. Full understanding of social network marketing and the potential candidates that can thus be marketed to certainly offer lucrative opportunities for prospective sellers. Due to the complexity of social networks, few models exist to interpret social network marketing realistically. We propose to model social network marketing using Heat Diffusion Processes. This paper presents three diffusion models, along with three algorithms for selecting the best individuals to receive marketing samples. These approaches have the following advantages to best illustrate the properties of real-world social networks: (1) We can plan a marketing strategy sequentially in time since we include a time factor in the simulation of product adoptions; (2) The algorithm of selecting marketing candidates best represents and utilizes the clustering property of real-world social networks; and (3) The model we construct can diffuse both positive and negative comments on products or brands in order to simulate the complicated communications within social networks. Our work represents a novel approach to the analysis of social network marketing, and is the first work to propose how to defend against negative comments within social networks. Complexity analysis shows our model is also scalable to very large social networks.
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