
Hicksian Visions and Vignettes on (Non-Linear) Trade Cycle Theories

Velupillai, Vela.
Velupillai, V., (2004) "Hicksian Visions and Vignettes on (Non-Linear) Trade Cycle Theories" (Working Paper No. 0082) Department of Economics, National University of Ireland, Galway.
Hicks theorized about the trade cycle, from many perspectives, over the whole span of his long, fertile and distinguished profes- sional life. Beginning with thoughts on an equilibrium approach to the problem of the trade cycle in the early 30s, traversing1 those disequilibrium workhorses of macrodynamics, IS-LM and Multiplier- Accelerator models, he returned, in hunted hare fashion, to a Robert- sonian starting point. In this paper I attempt to construct a math- ematical tapestry of some of these Hicksian visions and vignettes, concentrating on (non-linear) trade cycle theories. I suggest that there are still pearls of analytical wisdom, on the non-linear dynam- ics of trade cycle theory, to be extracted from A Contribution to the Theory of the Trade Cycle (CTTC). The unlikely link between the way an economic conundrum, inherent in CTTC, was resolved and the resolution of (Part B of) Hilbert s 16th Problem for LiƩnard s equation is brie y mentioned.
National University of Ireland, Galway
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