
Who cares? A thematic literature review around the themes of care work, social reproduction and universal basic income

Moreno, Sara Susannah
Moreno, Sara Susannah. (2024). Who cares? A thematic literature review around the themes of care work, social reproduction and universal basic income. Dearcadh: Graduate Journal of Gender, Globalisation and Rights, 5.
This article explores the themes at the intersection of social reproduction, care work, and Universal Basic Income (UBI) in the literature. UBI has become important, both in the academic and public spheres, in an attempt to even out social disparity and injustice (Parolin and Siöland 2020). Given the global crisis of care, most recently highlighted by the Covid-19 pandemic (Heintz et al. 2021), it is evident that a shift in the relationship between capitalism and social reproduction must take place (Bauhardt and Harcourt 2019; Heintz et al. 2021). The focus of this paper is looking into UBI’s potential to transform the way value is attributed to care work and social reproduction in society and, consequently, the gendered practices that lie underneath (Weeks 2011). This article stresses the complexities of such a transformation and shows that UBI can only be transformative if carefully implemented in co-ordination with other interventions, within a targeted policy frame, and with a specific focus on gender and social reproduction. To offer an accurate picture, the author conducted an extended literature review in search for the main debates around social reproduction, care work and UBI. To identify the most relevant themes within the conversation, Braun and Clarke’s Thematic Analysis (TA) (2017) was chosen as the most fitting method.
School of Political Science and Sociology, University of Galway
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