Landscape and imagination: towards a new baseline for education in a changing world
Newman, Conor ; Nussaume, Yann ; Pedroli, Bas
Newman, Conor
Nussaume, Yann
Pedroli, Bas
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Conference Paper
Newman, C., Nussaume, Y., Pedroli, B., & (Eds.). (2013). Landscape and imagination: towards a new baseline for education in a changing world. Papers presented at the Landscape and Imagination conference, 02-04 May, Paris.
This publication constitutes the proceedings of an international conference, Landscape and Imagination: Towards a New Baseline for ducation in a hanging World (Paysage et Invention: évolution des enseignements dans un monde en transition) held in Paris, 2nd to 4th of May 2013. Speakers from more than 30 countries worldwide gathered at three different venues: la Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, l’École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris La Villette, and La Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine A collection of 141 essays under six themes (Epistemology; Science; History; Process; Art; Governance) issuing from a UNISCAPE -ENSA Paris-La Villette conference. The book includes abstracts of five keynote addresses given by A. Berque, T. Kuwako, B. Lassus P. Misikova and K Yu (these will be developed into a special volume of essays to be published in 2014) and an editor's introduction.The focus of the conference was on the challenge for educators presented by the internationalisation of landscape practitioners in the context of the tension between globalisation and local distinctiveness.The book is available from UNISCAPE (Florence) and can be downloaded in PDF. The PDF version contains two additional papers.
UNISCAPE (European Network of Universities for the Implementation of the European Landscape Convention) and Bandecchi & Vivaldi
Publisher DOI
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