
Investigating the use of the Danger Assessment (DA) Questionnaire to assess risk at Aoibhneas Domestic Abuse Support for Women and Children

Gannon, Robyn
Gannon, Robyn. (2023). Investigating the use of the Danger Assessment (DA) Questionnaire to assess risk at Aoibhneas Domestic Abuse Support for Women and Children. Dearcadh: Graduate Journal of Gender, Globalisation and Rights, 4.
Risk assessment is a key facet in supporting victims of domestic abuse and preventing outcomes such as re-assault or domestic homicide. Campbell’s Danger Assessment questionnaire is a risk assessment tool that is used specifically to estimate the risk of reassault or domestic homicide. This article will investigate the use of the Danger Assessment at Aoibhneas Domestic Abuse Support for Women and Children. A literature review will examine the topics of domestic abuse, domestic homicide, Campbell’s Danger Assessment, and domestic abuse risk assessment in Ireland. A sample of 20 danger assessments was taken and analysed for trends from the 162 that were conducted by Aoibhneas in 2021. The results showed that Irish nationals in the sample were more likely to score within a higher risk category than foreign nationals. Furthermore, many clients in the sample reported experiencing controlling, stalking and jealous behaviours from their partners. Though the data analysis is based on a small non-representative sample, the results indicate a likely need for further research into the development of a danger assessment variation that takes into account contextual and cultural differences between Ireland and the country of the danger assessment’s origin, the USA.
School of Political Science and Sociology, University of Galway
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Ireland