The Readiness of High-Technology Manufacturing Companies to Adopt and Use Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): A Case Study of the Medical Device Sector in Ireland
Mc Guinness, Kevin
Mc Guinness, Kevin
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The decision to undertake this Masters programme was difficult enough in it¿s own right but the completion of it, and particularly this Thesis, would not have been possible were it not for the support and assistance of several key individuals. To start, I would like to thank my fellow classmates who, through the sharing of their own personnel experiences from their various fields and professions, provided many interesting insights and debates on various aspects of innovation in today¿s workplace. In particular I would like to Ann and Lubos for their company and friendship during the many hours spent driving along the highways and by-ways of Ireland. Your company and conversation over the past two years made the journey to the many group workshops and tutorials a pleasure during this time. I would also like to thank my research supervisor, Dr. Majella Giblin, National University of Ireland Galway, for all her assistance and guidance during the course of this Thesis and for teaching me the value of a good time plan in any project. Above all else, I would like to thank my family for their patience, understanding and help throughout the past two years. To my two lovely children, Amy and Aaron, I apologise most sincerely for not being there as much as I ought have been over this time and can only promise to make it up to you again in the near future. Finally, the most heartfelt thank you of all goes to my beautiful wife, Mary, who carried the burden of my absence during this time and never once complained, despite having every right to do so. Thank you for being there to remind me why it was we took on this particular challenge in the first place.
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Ireland