Framing or gaming? Constructing a study to explore the impact of option presentation on consumers
Barry, Chris ; Hogan, Mairéad ; Torres, Ann
Barry, Chris
Hogan, Mairéad
Torres, Ann
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Conference Paper
Barry, Chris, Hogan, Mairead, & Torres, Ann. (2015). Framing or gaming? Constructing a study to explore the impact of option presentation on consumers. Paper presented at the 24th International conference on information systems development, Harbin.
The manner in which choice is framed influences individuals’ decision-making. This research examines the impact of different decision constructs on decision-making by focusing on the more problematic decision constructs: the un-selected and pre-selected optout. The study employs eye-tracking with cued retrospective think-aloud (RTA) to combine quantitative and qualitative data. Eye-tracking will determine how long a user focuses on a decision construct before taking action. Cued RTA where the user will be shown a playback of their interaction will be used to explore their attitudes towards a decision construct and identify problematic designs. This pilot begins the second of a three phase study, which ultimately aims to develop a research model containing the theoretical constructs along with hypothesized causal associations between the constructs to reveal the impact of measures such as decision construct type, default value type and question framing have on the perceived value of the website and loyalty intentions. Keywords: Framing of choice, decision constructs, consumer involvement, elaboration likelihood model, optionality presentation, opt-out, must-opt, eye-tracking.
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