
The Tallaght West Childhood Development Initiative (CDI) process evaluation Thematic Report No. 2: interagency working and service integration in Tallaght West

Canavan, John
Coen, Liam
Ozan, Jessica
Curtin, Chris
Canavan, J., Coen, L., Ozan, J. and Curtin, C. (2014) Interagency Working and Service Integration in Tallaght West. Dublin: Childhood Development Initiative.
Children are now firmly at the centre of a variety of legislative initiatives, and statutory and voluntary services working for families. Legislation in recent years has spoken about the ‘paramountcy’ of the child, emphasising participation, and highlighting the need to work in collaboration towards the achievement of better outcomes for children and young people. Indeed, this collaborative spirit has witnessed new partnerships between the Irish State and philanthropic bodies in developing and promoting new responses and services to the needs of children and families. One such collaboration, between the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs (OMCYA) and the Atlantic Philanthropies Ireland (AP) has witnessed the development of three specific programmes of work under the Prevention and Primary Intervention Programme (PEIP). These programmes are the Tallaght West Childhood Development Initiative (CDI); Young Ballymun; and Preparing for Life. This report is the second of five thematic-based, process evaluation reports of the first of these programmes - The Tallaght West Childhood Development Initiative.
Childhood Development Initiative
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