Locomotor and anti-immobility effects of buprenorphine in combination with the opioid receptor modulator samidorphan in rats
Burke, Nikita N. ; Ferdousi, Mehnaz ; Deaver, Daniel R. ; Finn, David P. ; Roche, Michelle ; Kelly, John P.
Burke, Nikita N.
Ferdousi, Mehnaz
Deaver, Daniel R.
Finn, David P.
Roche, Michelle
Kelly, John P.
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Publication Date
Burke, Nikita N., Ferdousi, Mehnaz, Deaver, Daniel R., Finn, David P., Roche, Michelle, & Kelly, John P. (2019). Locomotor and anti-immobility effects of buprenorphine in combination with the opioid receptor modulator samidorphan in rats. Neuropharmacology, 146, 327-336., doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2018.12.012
Modulation of the opioid system has re-emerged as a potential therapeutic avenue for treating depression, with efficacy of a fixed-dose combination of buprenorphine (BUP), a partial mu-opioid receptor (MOR) agonist and kappa-opioid receptor (KOR) antagonist, and samidorphan (SAM), a potent MOR antagonist, as an adjuvant treatment in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). To advance understanding of the mechanism of action underlying this combination, we examined BUP, SAM and their combination in a series of rat behavioural assays. We examined effects on locomotor activity in Sprague Dawley (SD) rats over an extended period of time in a home-cage tracking system, and behavioural despair (immobility) in the forced swim test (FST), a commonly-used test to study antidepressants, in SD and Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. Strain differences in opioid receptor and prepropeptide mRNA expression in the brain (prefrontal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus and striatum) were examined using qRT-PCR. BUP produced locomotor hyperactivity in SD rats from 2 to 6 h following administration, which was attenuated by SAM. In SD rats, a low, but not a high, dose of SAM in combination with BUP counteracted swim-stress induced immobility. This effect was not seen with BUP alone. In contrast, BUP alone reduced immobility in WKY rats, and this effect was enhanced by a low, but not high, dose of SAM. In WKY rats, MOR mRNA expression was higher in the hippocampus and lower in the striatum vs. SD rats. KOR mRNA expression was higher in the amygdala and nociceptin receptor (NOP) mRNA expression was lower in the hippocampus vs. SD rats. Differences in opioid receptor expression may account for the differential behavioural profile of WKY and SD rats. In summary, administration of BUP, a MOR receptor agonist together with a MOR opioid-receptor antagonist, SAM, reduces behavioural despair in animal models traditionally used to study effects of antidepressants.
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