
Who the FOAF knows Alice? A needed step towards Semantic Web Pipes

Polleres, Axel
Tummarello, Giovanni
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Workshop paper
Christian Morbidoni, Axel Polleres, Giovanni Tummarello "Who the FOAF knows Alice? A needed step towards Semantic Web Pipes", Proceedings of the Workshop on New forms of Reasoning for the Semantic Web: Scaleable, Tolerant and Dynamic, in conjunction with ISWC 2007, 2007.
In this paper we take a view from the bottom to RDF(S) reasoning. We discuss some issues and requirements on reasoning towards effectively building SemanticWeb Pipes, aggregating RDF data from various distributed sources. If we leave out complex description logics reasoning and restrict ourselves to the RDF world, it turns out that some problems, in particular how to deal with contradicting RDF statements, do not yet find their proper solutions within the current Semantic Web Stack. Besides theoretical solutions which involve full DL reasoning, we believe that more practical and probably more scalable solutions are conceivable one of which we discuss in this paper, namely, expressing and resolving con¿icting RDF statements by means of a specialized RDF merge procedure. We implemented this conflict-resolving merge procedure in the DBin system.
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