
Gender differences in criminogenic needs among Irish offenders

Kelly, Janice
Bogue, John
Kelly, J; Bogue, J (2014) 'Gender Differences in Criminogenic Needs among Irish Offenders'. Irish Probation Journal, 11 :87-102.
This study examined gender differences between offenders on criminogenic needs as measured by the Level of Service Inventory – Revised (LSIR). The LSI-R is the primary risk/needs assessment instrument used by the Irish Probation Service in assessment. 231 Probation Service clients (131 male and 100 female) were included in this study for comparison purposes. Results showed that male offenders had higher levels of criminogenic needs in the areas of criminal history and substance abuse than females; the latter demonstrated higher levels of need in the areas of accommodation, emotional/personal and family/marital. Implications for effective treatment for female offenders are discussed.
Probation Service
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