
Pis as boundary spanners, science and market shapers

Mangematin, Vincent
O’Reilly, Paul
Cunningham, James
Mangematin, Vincent; O’Reilly, Paul; Cunningham, James (2012). Pis as boundary spanners, science and market shapers. The Journal of Technology Transfer 39 (1), 1-10
The research program organization has been generalized to implement research policies in OECD countries. Principal investigators are the linchpin of the program based organization as they are developing research project to fit within programs. However, principal investigators are not only project managers but they also enact their environment, shape organization, heterogenous networks, research avenues, research communities and transepistemic arenas. Principal investigators are not only researchers they are also boundary spanners amongst academic and private sectors and amongst subfields and disciplines. Principal investigators, especially serial Principal investigators act as scientific entrepreneurs who enact their environment. It questions the relationship between principal investigators and their organization. It also questions the efficiency and effectiveness of program based research policy.
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