RDF dataset profiling – a survey of features, methods, vocabularies and applications
Ellefi, Mohamed Ben ; Bellahsene, Zohra ; Breslin, John G. ; Demidova, Elena ; Dietze, Stefan ; Szymanski, Julian ; Todorov, Konstantin
Ellefi, Mohamed Ben
Bellahsene, Zohra
Breslin, John G.
Demidova, Elena
Dietze, Stefan
Szymanski, Julian
Todorov, Konstantin
Repository DOI
Publication Date
Ellefi, Mohamed Ben, Bellahsene, Zohra, Breslin, John G., Demidova, Elena, Dietze, Stefan, Szymanski, Julian, & Todorov, Konstantin. (2018). RDF dataset profiling – a survey of features, methods, vocabularies and applications. Semantic Web, 1-29. doi: 10.3233/SW-180294
The Web of Data, and in particular Linked Data, has seen tremendous growth over the past years. However, reuse and take-up of these rich data sources is often limited and focused on a few well-known and established RDF datasets. This can be partially attributed to the lack of reliable and up-to-date information about the characteristics of available datasets. While RDF datasets vary heavily with respect to the features related to quality, provenance, interlinking, licenses, statistics and dynamics, reliable information about such features is essential to enable dataset discovery and selection in tasks such as entity linking, distributed query, search or question answering. Even though there exists a wealth of works contributing to the task of dataset profiling in general, these works are spread across a wide range of communities. In this survey, we provide a first comprehensive overview of the RDF dataset profiling features, methods, tools and vocabularies. We organize these building blocks of dataset profiling in a taxonomy and illustrate the links between the dataset profiling and feature extraction approaches and several application domains. This survey is aimed towards data practitioners, data providers and scientists, spanning a large range of communities and drawing from different fields such as dataset profiling, assessment, summarization and characterization. Ultimately, this work is intended to facilitate the reader to identify the relevant features for building a dataset profile for intended applications together with the methods and tools capable of extracting these features from the datasets as well as vocabularies to describe the extracted features and make them available.
IOS Press
Publisher DOI
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