
Mentoring: výchova k profesionálně vedenému dobrovolnictví

Brumovská, Tereza
Seidlová Málková, Gabriela
Brumovská, Tereza, & Seidlová Málková, Gabriela. (2010). Mentoring: výchova k profesionálně vedenému dobrovolnictví. Prague: Portál.
The book, written in Czech language, provides a through rough literature review on the knowledge and viable theoretical approaches to the mentoring interventions and assessment of the quality of mentoring programmes through quality of mentors approach to socially-disadvantaged children and youths. It presents the results of the Czech qualitative longitudinal study with secondary content analysis of records from group supervision meetings taken by the Big Brothers Big Sisters case workers in the Czech BBBS programme. Results of analysis present the types of mentoring relationships and the themes and dynamics of these according to mentors experiences and perceptions on the mentoring role developed over 12 months of mentoring involvement. It also summarizes a good-practices of mentoring programmes and gives recommendations to mentoring practitioners.
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