
Enterprise personal analytics: Research perspectives and concerns

Clohessy, Trevor
Acton, Thomas
Trevor, Clohessy, & Thomas, Acton. (2017). Enterprise Personal Analytics: Research Perspectives and Concerns. International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (IJBIR), 8(2), 31-48. doi: 10.4018/IJBIR.2017070103
Modern enterprise technological landscapes are being impacted by the increasing individuation of information systems (IS). Consequently, the end-user computing phenomenon is being extended to incorporate a multitude of nascent possibilities for organizations. One promising avenue encompasses the use of business analytics. Common categories of enterprise intelligence analytics are traditionally derived from activity patterns and collaborative routines. In the scope of this paper we focus on another emergent category of analytics which we refer to as enterprise personal analytics . This topic has been only minimally analysed in IS research. This paper therefore extends understanding by presenting a grid framework which comprises various combinations of research stakeholder perspectives and concerns. This framework can be used to guide and coalesce future research on illuminating how personal analytics can be used effectively in an enterprise setting.
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